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Sustainability is Social Justice, Environmental Protection, Economic Health, Future Generations

Meeting the needs of all generations, present and future, while improving well-being through social, economic, environmental, and intergenerational efforts.

– Marilyn Waite


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A world where sustainability values of social cohesion, environmental consciousness, intergenerational equity, and economic health drive decision making and business practices.



To be a leader in a global organization and to inspire change in parallel through a passion for writing.

Projects & Affiliations

Drawdown is the work of a prominent and growing coalition of geologists, engineers, agronomists, researchers, fellows, writers, climatologists, biologists, botanists, economists, financial analysts, architects, companies, agencies, NGOs, activists, and other experts who draft, model, fact check, review, and validate all text, inputs, sources, and calculations. Our purpose is to provide helpful information and tools to a wide variety of actors who are dedicated to meaningful change: students, teachers, researchers, philanthropists, investors, entrepreneurs, business people, farmers, policymakers, engaged citizens, and more.

Launched in fall 2011, the Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network (ELEEP) is a dynamic, membership-only forum for the exchange of ideas, policy solutions, best-practices and professional development for early and mid-career North American and European leaders working on environmental and energy issues. ELEEP currently has over 100 members, split between North America and Europe. Members debate topics of the day online, meet regularly for study tours and other face-to-face activities and collaborate on transatlantic impact projects. ELEEP is a joint project of Ecologic Institute Berlin, Ecologic Institute US and the Atlantic Council. and is financially supported by the European Union and the Robert Bosch Stiftung among others.

Established in 2002, Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) is a non-profit network committed to building a better world. ESW is comprised of students, university faculty, and professionals who are dedicated to building a more sustainable world for current and future generations. This involves not only direct projects on campuses, in communities, and internationally, but also educating our communities and ourselves about sustainability as a broad topic. ESW operates as a network of 50 predominantly collegiate chapters across North America, with the overarching ESW-Headquarters driving multi-university initiatives and collaboration, digital education and resource sharing, and community events such as conferences. Through 1000 active members and an emerging set of professional chapters, ESW mobilizes students and faculty members through new educational programs, sustainability-oriented design projects, and volunteer activities that foster practical and innovative solutions to address the world’s most critical challenges.

The Biomimicry Institute was founded in 2006 by Janine Benyus and Bryony Schwan to share nature’s design lessons with the people who design and make our world. Our goal today is for biomimicry to become a natural part of the design process. We accomplish this by tackling one massive sustainability problem at a time through our Design Challenges platform, mobilizing tens of thousands of practitioners with the support of the Global Biomimicry Network to solve the challenge, and then providing those practitioners with AskNature as a tool to begin the solution process. We anticipate dozens of new biomimetic innovations will result, creating a healthier world for all.

E2 provides a time-efficient way for business leaders to leverage their professional experience and networks to make a difference by helping shape policies that are good for the economy and good for the environment. E2 members work or do business in every state in the country, and come from a broad business base ranging from clean energy and clean tech to real estate and finance and beyond. Our members have been involved in the financing, founding or development of more than 2,500 companies that have created more than 600,000 jobs, and manage more than $100 billion in venture and private equity capital.

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